Please note that I have changed the due date to Monday, Feb. 12.
Grade 7 English - Torn Away Book in a Bag Exemplar
Below are copies of the handouts for the "Book-in-a-Bag Presentations" that will be the focus of our independent novel studies. Students and parents are reminded that although some time will be given over the next three Fridays to read the novels, the assignment will likely need to be completed entirely at home.
Grade 7 English - Book in a Bag Handout Grade 7 English Book in a Bag Scoring Guide Students are reminded that they must select a book to be read during Friday classes during January. (I have books in the classroom for students who cannot find one of their own.) There will be an assignment to be completed based on the book (to be handed out in the coming days.) Students who are unable to get their book finished during class time will be expected to finish it at home.
For both classes, Day 1 of the Torn Away test will feature objective questions (multiple choice, true-or-false, fill-in-the-blank, and name-the-speaker; Day 2 will be a multi-paragraph response on questions we have dealt with in class. Students will not have access to books or notes during the test, so study is essential. Watch this space for further study material
English 7-3: Multiple choice component Tuesday, Dec. 12; Multi-paragraph response Wednesday, Dec. 13 English 7-2: Multiple choice component Wednesday, Dec. 13; Multi-paragraph response Thursday, Dec. 14 Please note that these are study aids, not assignments to be completed.
Grade 7 English - Torn Away Study Questions Attached is Journal #3. The three journal entries will be collected and marked on Friday, Nov. 10.
Journal #3: There Were Roses Students are advised that the descriptive process piece will be worked on in class during the week of Oct. 23-27 and is due Friday, Nov. 3. (Length: 500-750 words) Please pay attention to the specifics that must be passed in to receive a full grade.
Grade 7 English - Descriptive Process Piece Handout The material in the link below will be given to Grade 7 classes and gone over in class next week.
Grade 7 Essay Test Review Students in 7-2 / 7-3 who receive accommodations are reminded to stay in communication with the teacher regarding what they need to do / bring on test days (such as the one upcoming on Oct. 12-13). Learning to be advocates for themselves is vital as students advance through their school years! (Parents, of course, should still feel free to contact me with any questions at all regarding their child's progress.)
English 7-2 is reminded that they will have an essay test on Friday, Oct. 13, during Periods 4-5.
English 7-3 is reminded that they will have an essay test on Thursday, Oct. 12, during Period 5. Watch this space for a Test Review handout! Also, today in class we did a Classroom Visual assignment. It is due on Friday, Oct. 6. Students who lose it or neglect to pass it in can find another copy via the link below: Classroom Visuals |
Peter TarrantB.A. (Hons.), M.A. B.Ed. Archives
January 2018